
Want to know how natural slate is installed in each country? We’ll show you through our CUPA PIZARRAS EUROPEAN TOUR video series.

At CUPA PIZARRAS we’re hitting the road to explore different countries and show you natural slate through the eyes of the roofers. How can you join us? Quite easy: from 22nd March check out our Instagram stories.

Throughout that week we will stop at different locations in France, Belgium and the United Kingdom, where local roofers will show us their expertise, know-how and the care with which they treat CUPA PIZARRAS slate to create spectacular and modern roofs.

Everyday, between the 22nd and 27th March, we will upload videos from a different roofer to our Instagram stories. You can see more details of our route in the calendar listed below.

european roofers tour

If you miss one don’t worry as we’ll create a summary of all the great activity in a blog post once the tour is over!

Natural slate installation is a very delicate task which requires specialised training. Furthermore, each region has its own traditions and weather conditions, meaning there are no two roofs alike.

At CUPA PIZARRAS we value this wonderful craft and invest in supporting roofing colleges and individual professionals to ensure the knowledge is passed on to as many people as possible.

If you are also a natural slate professional, and want to have your work showcased by us? You can always use the hashtag #CUPApizarras and we will be more than happy to share them with our community!

You can always send us a message through our any of our social media accounts if you have something interesting to share or would like to participate in the next video tour. We’re wating to hear from you!

Do not forget that you already have a lot of technical resources at your fingertips in the resource centre part of our website. It’s very easy to sign in, you just have to register to access everything a natural slate professional may need.