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Discover the latest news about natural slate: new projects, top news, installation guides, tips about how to place slate tiles, roofing sector innovations…

When choosing the materials for an architectural project, the architects usually look for the highest durability and the best appearance. BUT WHY DO ARCHITECTS CHOOSE CUPA PIZARRAS NATURAL SLATE? Consistency Unlike other brands, CUPA PIZARRAS produces and transforms its natural slate in its own quarries and processing plants, enabling them to offer any kind of […]
This family home located in the French Pyrenees has reduced its heating and hot water bills by more than 60% with our solar thermal system THERMOSLATE®. THE SOLAR SLATE ROOF THAT SAVES YOU MONEY This dwelling is located in Gaillagos, in a unique natural environment. Our solar thermal system THERMOSLATE® has been installed over its […]
CUPACLAD Design opens a whole world of possibilities for the design of natural slate rainscreen cladding systems: new shapes, different combinations of materials … Find out a brand new proposal every month! What is CUPACLAD design? It is an innovative concept based on a complete series of infographics trying to turn contemporary architecture upside down. […]
Are you looking for new materials allowing you to build more sustainably? Then you cannot miss the Build Right, Build Smart Seminary next Wednesday (November 16th) At the D&D Building in New York! WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND TO THE BUILD RIGHT BUILD SMART SEMINAR? Today, it’s not enough for the buildings we live and work […]

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Natural slate is a product with unmatchable technical properties that adapts to any project, always providing considerable added value. Moreover, it gives any roof or facade an inimitable, timeless, unchanging appearance. Its elegance and personality confer a unique character. Moreover, the latest trends in architecture are now looking for more sustainable buildings, using natural materials […]
Are you planning to install a solar thermal system? If so, you don’t need to give up the elegant look of your natural slate roof anymore. Our solar thermal panels THERMOSLATE® integrate so perfectly in any slate roof that we will have to point them out for you to see them! HOW MANY PANELS SHOULD […]
Do you want to save energy at home? The first thing you should take into consideration is how to improve your energy efficiency. You’ll need to get your home to use less energy or use it better.  Ideally, every single house should have been initially designed with the best energy optimization. Nevertheless, many homes that […]
THERMOSLATE®  is the first and only natural slate solar thermal collector combining aesthetic architectural design with energy efficiency and almost zero maintenance. It is seamlessly integrated into any façade or slate roof and produces energy for heating and DHW (domestic hot water). THERMOSLATE® provides the greatest energy efficiency with a maximum operating temperature of 95º, […]
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