South Yorkshire property, UK

Cawthorne, South Yorkshire
CODA Studios
Taylor Development Service

Located on the edge of Cawthorne conservation area, this large self-build property was designed by CODA Studios, with key design aspirations to increase natural light and add a modern twist to the traditional design.

A natural slate finish was requested for the cross-gable roof by the end client to match an existing bungalow on the site which had established the footprint and style of the new dwelling.

Our HEAVY 3 was specified to echo the traditional style of neighbouring properties, the slate also provides a clean striking finish that complements the home’s extensive glazing.

Coda studios Cawthorne house
natural slate roof house uk

Contractor Martyn Taylor from Taylor Development Service LTD commented: “The HEAVY 3 slate was recommended to me by Burton Roofing Merchants. I would highly recommend it as it was really nice to work with, so installation was easy”

The luxury property and its impressive gardens required a high-end material for the main house. The natural shine of our slate from above is unmatched by any other material.

Taylor explained it as follows: “The natural slate complemented the tones of the Yorkshire stone property and those surrounding it, and we eventually installed 400 metres square of the slate. The finish is fantastic”

The design of the house is traditional for the area, but the back opens onto a beautiful sloping garden where several orchards are located. Harmony prevails throughout the environment in an organic way.

“We had never heard of CUPA PIZARRAS slate before but now, since using it, we would highly recommend it. The product looks great and we now regularly suggest it to other clients”, said architect Tom Holmes from CODA Studios.

The homeowner of the property added: “I would highly recommend HEAVY 3 slate, as the finish of my roof is excellent. The natural slate complements the house nicely, as well as the properties in the surrounding area.”

South Yorkshire property uk
Cawthorne conservation area


The best choice for Scottish roofs. Its extra thickness of 7-8 mm gives it the perfect strength to withstand Scottish weather while boosting the value of any property.

Other case studies

More than 250 roofs are installed per day around the world with our slate.

Natural slate CUPA PIZARRAS has been highly valued by architects and has been selected for important projects within many cultural and historic buildings of interest, modern architecture or the construction or renovation of traditional housing.

If you have any questions, our experienced team on slate is at your disposal.