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The French family-run firm Rochard et Fils has won the Best of the Best 2024, our annual competition to select the best natural slate roofer. As part of the prize, they will soon be travelling to our quarries to see the production process for themselves. This year, our winners will benefit from a something novelty […]
Rochard et Fils has won our annual natural slate contest. Their exceptional roofing skills first convinced our followers, and then our jury who have decided that for the second consecutive year there is a French champion of the Best of the Best. Congratulations! This is the video that Rochard et Fils submitted to win the trophy: The members […]
Our contest to crown the best natural slate craftsmanship of the year is underway. Now it’s up to you to choose your favorite! Here are the participants in Group 3 (United Kingdom). Voting is open until Wednesday, December 4, at 4:00 PM (BST Time) The winner of this group will advance to the finals alongside […]
This bungalow in Great Eversden has been recently refurbished by Roof Brothers, featuring our CUPA 12 natural slate in a scalloped format. The hand detailing of the slates by the Roof Brothers was so remarkable that it earned the “Highly Commended” certificate in the ‘Best Use of Slate for a Domestic Project’ category at the […]

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The Blackfriars district, nestled in central London and bordered by the Thames, is rich in historical and listed buildings. Among these stands the recently refurbished building at 30-34 New Bridge Street, now crowned with a stunning CUPACLAD mansard. The building’s two-story mansard was originally clad in Westmorland slate. However, the renovation plans called for a […]
The roof is one of the most important parts in any building, acting as the first line of defence from all environmental hazards. That’s why choosing the appropriate one will give you peace of mind, save you money and ensure your home stands strong against the elements for years to come. Roofs have evolved over […]
At this point, you already know Best of the Best, our annual video contest to choose the best roofer or the best natural slate skills of the year. However, the 2024 edition brings a striking novelty: a professional jury will choose the winner! The first round of the contest remains the same: you, the readers […]
We are thrilled to announce that CUPA PIZARRAS has been officially approved as a Grand Designs premium partner. This prestigious recognition reflects our commitment to excellence in natural slate design solutions. As a Grand Designs premium partner, we’re proud to align with a brand synonymous with cutting-edge architecture and sustainable building practices. Who hasn’t watched […]
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