
A voyage to the antipodes: CUPA PIZARRAS natural slate covers a private community in New Zealand

CUPA PIZARRAS produces enough natural slate every year to circle the earth twice. Our products end up on projects all around the world, like this fascinating private gated community in Queenstown, New Zealand.

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Photo: Gavin James Roofing

Natural slate is not commonly used in New Zealand, where it is found mainly on public buildings in coastal cities. The main burden for its popularization is the lack of availability of high-quality slate. Nevertheless, it is becoming increasingly popular in certain parts of the country, like Queenstown, usually on some high spec properties.

Thanks to our clean and efficient transport channels and the access to high-quality natural slate at competitive prices, natural slate can be within reach to all. Finally allowing access to a material that can keep up with the amazing landscapes where ‘The Lord of the Rings’ was filmed.

CUPA R12 Excellence was chosen for its certainty and speed of supply, as well as offering a 100-year warranty and the reputation of a world leader company that provides trust and security.

Our CUPA R Excellence selection is considered to be the best natural slate produced in the world by thousands of architects, installers and individuals and it is used in projects where a homogeneous result is sought for a perfect roof.

With the help of Lee Keates from Burton Roofing we were able to get the product here without too much delay on the construction schedule”, explains the roofer, Gavin James. The whole project was built in 18 months and the works went very smoothly. Gavin James installed all the 1200m2 of natural slate in approximately 16 weeks.

The slate was nice to work with and easy to lay because its flat characteristics. The clients are extremely happy with the finished look.

cupa 12 slate on the roof of this house in Queenstown New Zealand

CUPA PIZARRAS slates are produced in our quarries in the north of Spain, where there are the biggest and best reserves of tectonic natural slate in the world. Our products travel to every corner of the globe: for example, you can see our brand on the top of the train station in Tokyo, the Rondebosch library in Cape Town or the Buenos Aires Central Post Office.