This family home located in Asturias (Spain) is being built under the passive house certification and its roof and façade will be covered with our natural slate! NATURAL SLATE: THE BEST SOLUTION FOR A PASSIVE HOUSE This house in Cadavedo, Asturias, has been designed under the standards of Passivhaus certification. The architectural studio Duque y […]
LinkedIn is the perfect platform for connecting professionals to exchange trends, inspirations, and developments in architecture. It is the most important business social network with more than 810 million all over the world. Therefore, being present on LinkedIn is a must for architects! Why should you start using linkedin right now? LinkedIn lies right at […]
When thinking about efficiency, the first strategy to apply should be saving energy. It’s important to understand that limiting the waste of energy resources such as internal heating is essential. Thermal insulation is a great solution to reduce energy consumption by preventing heat gain or loss through the building envelope. This reduction of unwanted temperature […]
This family house, located in Chailland (France), has reduced up to 55% its annual energy bills thanks to THERMOSLATE®! Our solar collector in natural slate covers this family needs for hot water while enhancing the aesthetics and efficiency of their home. ENERGY IN NATURAL SLATE Five solar collectors over a total surface of 6.45 square […]
The French Institute CSTB has just certified that our rainscreen cladding system CUPACLAD® 101 has successfully overcome the impact and wind tests. The CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment) is a French public authority in the service of innovation in construction industry ensuring the buildings quality and safety in France. In order to validate […]
Natural slate is a product with unmatchable technical properties, always providing considerable added value. The inimitable textures of our slates have inspired architects worldwide to create unique projects in which natural slate stands out on its own, giving an inimitable, timeless and unchanging appearance. Its elegance and personality confer a unique character. Don’t miss the […]
Have you ever considered a roof solar installation? Whether you are trying to reduce your energy bills or aiming to have an eco-friendly home, the solar thermal power is a great solution for you! Solar thermal technology uses the sun’s energy, rather than fossil fuels, to generate low-cost, environmentally friendly thermal energy. This energy is […]
For some years now, green building has become one of the most trending topics in architecture and construction specialized media. Nowadays, rehabilitation and energy efficiency seem to be the new engines of construction industry and there are many signs that indicate that this reality is getting closer. WHAT ARCHITECTURAL TRENDS SET According to the last […]