Compass Roofing from Scotland, UK wins Best of the Best 2022

winner best of the best 2022

Compass Roofing has been crowned as the best natural slate performance of the year. Congratulations! Their contractors’ natural slate skills have convinced our audience, who chose them as winners ahead of L’art Doisier (Belgium), Girard Couverture (France) y Folke Norgaard (Denmark).

This is the video from Compass Roofing, a 30-year-old company based in Edinburgh, which won them the tournament

As part of the prize, the guys from Compass Roofing will travel to our headquarters in La Medua (Spain) to witness firsthand the production process of out natural slate. They will also receive a trophy that officially crowns them as the 2023 champions.

The first round was very competitive, but Compass Roofing managed to win the British group, receiving more votes than the other great finalists; Maidstone Roofing, Prentice Roofing, RBC Roofing and Ryan Edgar.

Regarding the Belgian group, L’art Doisier finished first ahead of their compatriots KVL Dakwerken and Piet Dryvres.

In France, the roofing company Girard Couverture defeated Entreprise Jonathan, Couverture l’Aulne and Couverture le Gourrierec.

Last but not least, in the international group, Danish Folke Norgaard left behind Uruguayan Tomás Fatiga and the Spanish company Euskal Roofing.

We would like to thank all the participants for sending their videos and also to everyone who has cast their vote during our contest. More to come next year!

Would you like to take part in our competition next year? If you have a good natural slate project, you can start preparing your videos! If you have any doubts, you can contact directly to: