
Nine beautiful natural-slate buildings for back-to-school motivation

beautiful schools

It’s time to go back to normality after the summer. This can be seen as the return to routine or the opportunity to see classmates, teachers, and games in the playground again. Were you the type of kid that was always really excited to go back to school?

Educational centres are usually unique buildings. They must host a larger number of people at the same time whilst also, creating pleasant and inspiring environments to enable learning and self-development.

To celebrate the return to school we have gathered nine schools where natural slate is top of the class.

  1. Neufchâteau’s Kindergarten (Belgium)

    The contrast between the orange windows and the dark but dynamic tone of the CUPACLAD Random natural slate creates a stimulating effect. Inside, the little ones can expand their creativity.
    Guardería en Neufchâteau (Bélgica)

  2. Bearwood School (United Kingdom)

    You can admire this original natural slate roof either from the street or the playground. When the sun shines you can fully appreciate sheen of the natural slate and it also offers the best shelter during the rainy days.
    Bearwood School (Reino Unido)

  3. Heudebouville (France)

    The Natural slate roof and façade combine perfectly with the wood. The light and open spaces do the rest to convert this new school into a unique and creative space for the kids.
    Escuela en Heudebouville (Francia)

  4. Slate School (United States)

    The slate is so important to this school that it even lends itself to its name. The architects of the building were huge advocates for more sustainable and nature-oriented educational spaces.
    Slate School (Estados Unidos)

  5. Ry Hojskole (Denmark)

    A non-conventional roof is the cherry on the cake for this non-conventional school. The natural slate roof twists around itself to adapt to the surrounding buildings. It just radiates creativity!
    Ry Hojskole (Dinamarca)

  6. Gustave Eiffel School (France)

    The original school dates back to the 1900s, so a full renovation was need needed. Thankfully, the plans for the roof included natural slate, but how could it not in a region with a longstanding slate tradition?
    Escuela Gustave Eiffel (Francia)

  7. Cambridge University – Colin Forbes Building (United Kingdom)

    The building hosts two million fossils and rock samples. The architects opted to use a natural slate rainscreen system to create a smart façade living up to the treasures housed inside.
    Universidad de Cambridge (Reino Unido)

  8. Madonna University (United States)

    Welcome to University. The sophisticated CUPACLAD 201 Vanguard is the first thing that first-year students see when they want to apply to this educational centre.
    Madonna University (Estados Unidos)

  9. Tórshavnar Music School (Denmark)

    The most original music school on the Faroe Islands has natural slate façades and green irregular windows. All the elements of the building are finely attuned like a good orchestra.
    Conservatorio de Tórshavnar (Dinamarca)

icono modernoHave you enjoyed this natural slate projects collection? We have other articles with cultural buildings, charming hotels or summer houses to inspire you.